Since introducing ACT Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) recycling bins in September 2023, Canberra Park has made a positive impact – returning nearly 35,000 bottles, cans and cartons for recycling and raising nearly $2,500 for charity.
Operations Coordinator Christopher Annett said their journey began with dedicated bins near the tourist accommodation, to collect eligible drink containers for the ACTCDS. Six months later, additional bins were added in the group accommodation area.
The containers are picked up every week by ReCollect, the container collection service operated by ACT CDS network operator Return-It. ReCollect empties the bins each Tuesday morning, taking the containers to the Mitchell Cash-Back Depot. For every container deposited, Canberra Park receives a 7-cent refund, which they donate to children’s charity, Camp Quality.
The ReCollect service is available to all businesses, organisations or individuals in the ACT who have over 300 containers to be collected each week. Getting started is easy. You can visit our website, ReCollect online to find out more. To register, you download the ReCollect app from your device’s app store or visit the website.
Chris said it has been easy to implement container recycling at the park, and he would recommend all businesses to utilise the ACT CDS. “Signing up to use ReCollect is pretty straightforward and we don’t need to do much. Most of the work is done by Return-It,” he said.
“It’s an easy way to do something for the community and for the environment — there’s no reason not to do it,” he added.
The 35,000 containers returned for recycling equates to saving 2,400kg of waste from landfill and avoiding 5,000kg of carbon emissions.
Canberra Park have also had a good response from guests, many of whom are keen to recycle their empties, while it’s also been an opportunity to engage children from the schools that often use the park’s group accommodation.
“The kids get bottles of water with their meal packs and previously they were just throwing them in the bins, so we wanted to help educate them about recycling,” said Chris.
By participating in the ACT CDS through ReCollect, Canberra Park has not only made recycling easy and effective but has also demonstrated how simple environmental action can create a positive impact on future generations.